© MC and My Colors ® - © Photo by Ribes Sappa - Flazio.com
Chromatic and conceptual sources between art, daily life, nature, and personal memories
...theArt Nouveau stained glass windowsby Duilio Cambellotti, thepomegranate, anddesignsjoyful of minethree children, and parrotsof the Amazon River, thePop Artpinball machinesGottliebMy husband's SixtiesFrancesco, on the arniecolorful, thebloomingfrom Castelluccio di Norcia, thetelephonefromMark Rothko, it seaof theSicily, the market of spicesfromSamarkand, I abstract paintingsof mypainter motherIorderof Theaters of Romeand everything that they hide and then reveal, thegessoand thewhiteboard, he coralin Sardinian, the blue eyesofGrandma Caterina, the symmetry, the blousefantasy of thegirlthat I saw the other day on metro line B, theorder, the covers of Vogueof the yearsTwenty, he purple veronese cabbage, and lapis lazuli, on the compositionsofPiet Mondrian, the bedroommine and my sister'sValentina, it ceilingof the Paris Opera, themetropolitan chaos, theavocado, and booksfor children aged Bruno MunariIpavoniIndians, thegrandmarules, thecyclamens, it Bardiglio marblefrom Carrara, theCarnivalof Venice, thejungleHawaiian, theLibraryof the Abbey of San Florian, the shirtgiallorossa, he redValentino,The Magic FluteindesignsofEmanuele Luzzati, they outfitsRibes multicolor, thesunsetsonroofsof Rome, thebasil, itpointillism of Georges Seurat, he Yellow ochre Chesterfield sofathat I will buy sooner or later, thechessboard, the pitaya, the moononBaths of Caracallathat evening at the concert of Ennio Morricone, thearthoused in the Uffizi Gallery, theorange blossom, on the Wooden DollsofAlexander Girard, on colorful hair clipsof the manyrosaryperformed withGrandma Iolanda, the Street art in the suburbs, The boy with a basket of fruitofCaravaggio, and tropical fish, on coversof the trilogyFlowersfromFranco Battiatoyellow and whitenarcissus, he rhythmchromatic, theflagsof the world, thegreenclear of the firstgemsthat I admired every spring as a child with my dadIbuttonsJewel ofOlivia, andtraffic lightsI fruitsofwoodsfrom Pergine Valsugana, theGothicbloomingfrom theUniversityof SSalamanca, on the feathersof theSioux Indians, and portraitsfromAmedeo Modigliani, the Rag dollof UNICEF, thefansmade of Japanese silk, theGreen Beetle... the car of my childhood, the sun, the workGirl with ballfromRoy Lichtensteindisplayed on theMoMAin New York, thebedroomof the QueenMarie Antoinetteat Versailles, thered and blue Canadian camping tentwhen I was a child, and stillred and blue but that of the correctionsof Latin versions,House BallaIn Rome, theasymmetry, the many shadeof thefineamber ofVilnius, heNeorealism in color of formalinINA ceramicsHome, thegreenintense of theextra virgin olive oilfrom Caprarola olives, and also theolive greenbut that of thecanvas coversof mypreciousbooks from the collectionHistorical culture librarypublished by Einaudi, thefirefliesunexpected that night in late June inSerrone, and rubies, the beauty of Palazzo della CarovanaaPisaand the cultural heritage it preserves,Villa Torloniaand thegolden stars on a blue sky backgroundofMoresque Saw, he velvety purple-redfrom the intense scent ofPink Papa Meilland, on art galleriesof via Margutta, the stamenssaffron, the styleChanel, theBotanical Gardenof Rome, theshadesof themother-of-pearlin Tahiti, thecolorful housebyBruno and Aurelia, on varietyof dried legumes, thedesignsof bygone times on thevintage boxesfrom the collection ofGianna, and I fruit bowlsfromSicilian marzipan, the PimpaofAltan, and ribbonsfrom Bonfim to Salvador de Bahia, thenorthern lights, it pistachiofromBronte, on thecaseacolorsfrom Longyearbyen to78° parallel north, on the ConstellationsofJoan Mirò, the geometry, on the wild orchids, it pink saltfrom theHimalayas, theyEighties, on the colored shoesofpassersbyaboutsampietriniofRome...
Combination 184 - "Aquamarine", inspired by the sea of Sicily.
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